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List of VIEWMASTER - GAF stereo reels

Photo du rédacteur: Canille CameraCanille Camera

hereunder are the older individual reels, unique price is 5 EUR each + shp (lower price if you take several)

They are in good condition, not bubbled, no damage

Mount Vernon USA 76 Niagara falls 81 Franklin D Roosevelt's home 86 Washington DC 136 Washington DC 137 Atlantic City 154 New York City 156 New York City 157 Rockfeller center 158 Navaro Indians 175 Tucson 179 Colonial Williamsburg 181 San Francisco 198 Mount Lassen volcanic 256 Indian tribal ceremonial 286 Abe Lincoln's New Salem298Victoria and vicinity 313 Jasper National Park I 316 Jasper National Park II 317 San Antonio 328 Chicago 333 Natchez the old south 334 Roosevelt's little white house Warm Springs 343 Amish country 349 Philadelphia350Historic Philadelphia 351 Niagara falls 375 Toronto and vicinity 376 Ottawa 378 Montreal 380 Quebec city I 383 Ste Anne de Beaupre Quebec 386 Cape Peninsula Quebec 388 Passion play Oberammergau Germany 1550 Passion play Oberammergau Germany 1551 Passion play Oberammergau Germany 1552 Jerusalem 4000 Bethlehem 4006 Sydney New South Wales 5001 Maligne lake Jasper National Park SP-9004 Indian days banff Alberta SP-9007 Sanctuary of our sorrowful Mother Portland SP-9013 Sanctuary of our sorrowful Mother Portland SP-9014 The seven dolors sanctuary of our sorrowful Mother SP-9015 Cranmore Mountain Skimobile tramway SP-9016 Old covered bridges New England SP-9020 Monticello home of Thomas Jefferson SP-9032 St Petersburg Florida SP-9037 Gettysburg national military park SP-9047 The Everglades national park SP-9053 Interior of George Washington's Mount Vernon home SP-9057 St Louis Missouri SP-9059 Baltimore Maryland SP-9063 The Resurrection part I of the Easter story EA-1 The Appearances of Jesus part 2 of the Easter story EA-2 The Ascension part 3 of the Easter story EA-3 Jesus our God CH.49 Mother Goose Rhymes Miss Muffet to Jack & Jill MG.1 Mother Goose Rhymes Bo-Peep to Cat & the fiddle MG.2 The Christmas story part I Mary and Joseph XM.1 The Christmas story part II the Sheperds XM.2 The Christmas story part III the wise men WM.3 Little Red Riding Hood FT-1 Cinderella and the glass slipper FT-5 Goldilocks and the three bears FT-6

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