126 camera SPIDER MAN made in Hong Kong 1978 Camera as new In original box 100 EUR

GENT COFFEE 35mm can camera Uncommon 80 EUR

PIF kit camera delivered in magazine for children in 1976 (magazine included) Complete, good condition 175 EUR

126 Chinese camera same body as Clicky, advertising BANGA softdrink 45 EUR

FISCHER BABY rare toy camera made in France 120 EUR

Macchina Fotografica 35mm with Warner Bros characters made for FERRERO. New in original packaging. uncommon 65 EUR

PANDA 110 camera In original box 100 EUR

yellow Konica POP, advertising SCHWEPPES Indian Tonic flash not working, small chip in plastic on bottom RARE 65 EUR

Mick-A-matic Usa 1971 126 film & flash cubes 100 EUR

DIANA Hong Kong plastic camera made for CONFORAMA a French furniture distributor Uncommon 65 EUR

ODETTE Pocket 110 (back door cannot stay closed) 40 EUR

CAMERA PLUS 126 Made in Austria on the front, made in USA patented in the back ! :-) Uncommon 85 EUR

RECESKY stereo pinhole camera sold as a kit to assemble yourself (here unopened set) and the camera once assembled. Both new kit & assembled camera : 75 EUR

FORCE 4 (beer mixed with lemonade, French market) can camera 35mm 85 EUR

KOOKIE KAMERA made by IDEAL in 1968 original box is torn/worn and suffered wet damage as for the instructions and some of cardboard decorative items. One piece has been repaired on the camera, a small part that allow the camera to stand on the pipe pod. It still have cartridge loaded with photographic paper in it. Uncommon 180 EUR

Nestlé promotional Donald duck's car 135 camera Uncommon some paint damages on wings/fenders 85 EUR dbl22-32-9